Our friend Tim from band The Devil, My Pocket (Providence, RI)Â just posted an impromptu YouTube video we filmed in his car when we visited the east coast this past spring. Disclaimer: this video was not filmed by professionals and you might experience some motion sickness.
Back from Scandinavia and England
I think we’ve finally recovered! Its been a few weeks since we got back from England and we are totally wishing we could head back. We had such a great time and we met so many wonderful people who made our tour one to remember. We have some pictures up if you want to see them, you can click here or go to our photos page. We don’t have any plans for the rest of the year other then enjoying the holidays, but check back with us early in the new year since we’re working on finalizing a few events in Grand Rapids.
The Icicles performing “Whirling” live at the Windmill in Brixton, London
Ripley here we come
We’ve been busy in Icicle-land getting a few things lined up for this fall. We’re still working on a lot of stuff, but what we can share right now is we are heading to the UK this fall and the show that started it all will be Indietracks on Dec 1st, at the Midland Railway, Butterley station! Tickets went on sale this week and you can get them from the indietracks website. As long as we’ll be out of the country, we’re hoping to line up a few more shows over the course of a few weeks so we’re definitely not done announcing our fall shows!!!
Live video recordings
We’ve had a few videos surface over the last few months on YouTube of us from past shows that we’ve posted on our listen page. Thanks to Magnus from Dyrdin, Punkcast and BSR Live for recording them!